Mailing List Archive

Kde team meeting. May 2009.
Hello guys and girls,
month again passed (this time month and 3 weeks cause we agreed on moving
the meeting ;P) and we have our kde team meeting again.

Since the move the required status info:
Where: #gentoo-kde @
When: 21. 5. 2009 @ 19:00 UTC

As a note this meeting is incorporated of meeting for kde and qt herd.

So what will be this time on the plan? Few kinda annoying issues:
- doc useflag, api-doc need to be somehow split of user-doc.
- kde3 (sounds tiny but the major magic is behind)
- kde 4.3 (just what is needed to be done, libknotification,
- enforcing CODE requirements everywhere
- new team members welcoming and discussion about how we handle HTs
- handling cmake relwithdebuginfo compilation to please upstream...
- masking kdeprefix useflag in portage ;P (jokes are allways fun, i can
see scared look in your face now)
- updating the kde4 guide (srsly needed, hope someone will volunteer)
- kdebindings, lots of stuff missing there
- cooperation with sabayon
Qt topics:
- Recruits
- Status of Qt in tree, open bugs [1]
- Overlay status (live Qt ebuilds, other packages)
- Eclasses (status, moving functionality from overlay to portage tree)
Under this heading also falls the discussion about blocking mixed Qt
versions [2] on dev ML
- Do we need an officially elected Qt sub-project lead?
(I've been de facto lead since I took on Qt maintenance last summer)


As a final note the meeting is mandatory for all kde-team members and herd

See ya all there