Mailing List Archive

Unable to find the description of org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.inputModule

I am a new user of Forrest and downloaded and installed the 0.8
release of Forrest last Friday. I want to run Forrest locally on
an existing Forrest-website, so after installation I executed
'forrest run' from the basedir of my website. The following error
appeared :

C:\java\apache-forrest-0.8\main\targets\plugins.xml:359: STOP GENERATION !
WARNING - Cannot find the plugin description

Unable to find the description of org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.inputModule in the different descriptor files.

The output.inputModule was indeed present in my project.required.plugins
list in, which seems mandatory following FOR-926 [1].
The local plugin list in plugins/plugins.xml of release 0.8 contains a
reference to output.inputModule, but this file is overridden with the
public plugins.xml [2] which does not contain the reference to
output.inputModule (because of FOR-1103 [3]?).

Since the public plugin list is not version specific I suspect it would
still need older plugins listed there, but I am only new here so I am
not sure I understand the mechanism correctly.

I got it up-and-running by changing the ant file main/targets/plugins.xml,
task fetch-plugins-descriptors. Changing the var plugin-counter to 3 on
line 293 kept the local plugins.xml files and added the remote ones instead
of overriding them. This worked for me but it may not be the way Forrest
should be used.

I could not find anything on my problem in the documentation / list / issue
tracker. Did I overlook something? Is there a better way to handle this?

Best regards,

Sander van der Waal

Re: Unable to find the description of org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.inputModule [ In reply to ]
2009/10/19 Sander W G van der Waal <>:
> Hello,
> I am a new user of Forrest and downloaded and installed the 0.8
> release of Forrest last Friday. I want to run Forrest locally on
> an existing Forrest-website, so after installation I executed
> 'forrest run' from the basedir of my website. The following error
> appeared :
> C:\java\apache-forrest-0.8\main\targets\plugins.xml:359: STOP GENERATION !
>    WARNING - Cannot find the plugin description
>    ============================================
>    Unable to find the description of org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.inputModule in the different descriptor files.


> I could not find anything on my problem in the documentation / list / issue
> tracker. Did I overlook something? Is there a better way to handle this?

This occurs when a site is using dispatcher based site. Dispatcher is
in the whiteboard still and has been under heavy development since
version 0.8. I suspect the site you are trying to build requires
Forrest 0.9-dev - which is the version in SVN
