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TACACS+ dissector

I was in the need of a dissector for tacacs+, so I wrote this one...

If you use this dissector you'll lose the ability to detect udp packet on port
49 as tacacs/xtacacs, because I've not yet merged the old packet-tacacs.c with

It isn't finished yet, but it is able to dissect authentication and accounting
packet correctly.

To use this dissector you need to link ethereal to libcryto included with
openssl (I also need this lib form ucd-snmp, but this is another story...;-)
To set the encryption key, just set the environment variable TACPLUS_PASS.

On my todo list I have:
- Authorization packet handling
- tacacs/xtacacs
- converting to use tvbuff ( I found this to late... )
- bug fixes.

Comments and/or suggestions will be much appreciated....
