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(no subject)
I'm using drbd v0.5.8.1,when system boot up,I meet a prompt that request me to type yes.The prompt is as follows:

Do you want to abort waiting for other server and make this one primary?

I don't want to be asked at the situation,and the default answer is yes.What can I do to solve the problem?Thanks.
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When run shell program:/etc/init.d/drbd start,An error message prompts:

drbd: This host not mentioned until line 38 at /etc/init.d/drbd line 152, <CONFIG> line 38.

How can I do with this situation.
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After I have followed the steps:
1.edit drbd.conf
2.append a line(/dev/nb0 /temp ext2) to fstab.
3.use ntsysv to let drbd start as system is up.

But it would not work.Directory /temp is not mounted.
So make one more step:
modify /etc/init.d/drbd

“#chkconfig: 345 30 70” ----> “#chkconfig: 345 24 70”

it works now.Directory /temp is mounted.

Is the digit 30 reasonably given?
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I have read <<GettingStarted>> about heartbeat,and I managed to let it work
with apache.Is there any document that is about the heartbeat's working with
drbd.I want to know how to configure it.The script file datadisk seems to
mean few to me.
(no subject) [ In reply to ]
If I user heartbeat, is it necessary to let apache,samba,sendmail and
drbd not start automaically but be started by heartbeat? Should I run ntsysv
to uncheck the selection for these daemon?
I have append a line(/dev/nb0 /temp ext2 noauto) onto fstab.I want /temp
to be mounted on after heartbeat starts drbd up. I also want apache to start
up after drbd.How can I do with it?