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Syncer 2.4 kernels
From the latest CVS, running drbd unconnected seems to work well. I am
having problems though with the syncer. I am getting SYNC_LOG_S is to
small errors on the secondary. Test bed is two dual 1GHZ processors smp
boxes using dedicated seagate X15 18GB drives on a dedicated 100mbps
interface. Looking through the code SYNC_LOG_S appears to be hardcoded
at 80, I changed for the fun of it to 10240 and eliminated the error but
then get log size too small errors. Any help or direction to look?

Re: Syncer 2.4 kernels [ In reply to ]
* John Hamlik <> [010816 19:22]:
> >From the latest CVS, running drbd unconnected seems to work well. I am
> having problems though with the syncer. I am getting SYNC_LOG_S is to
> small errors on the secondary. Test bed is two dual 1GHZ processors smp
> boxes using dedicated seagate X15 18GB drives on a dedicated 100mbps
> interface. Looking through the code SYNC_LOG_S appears to be hardcoded
> at 80, I changed for the fun of it to 10240 and eliminated the error but
> then get log size too small errors. Any help or direction to look?
> Thanks,
> John

Today I removed this whole SYNC_LOG_S crap and rewrote it on a nice
clean design. -- This should even decrese drbd's cpu usage since there
is no more scanning of static sized arrays in the code.

After a little test is seems to work basically, but then I got a timeout...
It is getting better, but we are not there yet.
