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linstor-opennebula v3.0.0 release

We have a new major opennebula plugin release, major release because we
the handling of Opennebula context images for system datastores.
From now on context images will be handled by the tm/ssh driver and context
images will no more
use up a drbd resource for each VM.

But this change needs manual intervention if you already had to set
attribute, you now need to remove it again, as those ISO images will be
file type again.

I repaste here the section from the file about upgrading:

## From 2.x to 3.x

### Linstor system datastore

In version 3.x we removed handling context images within Linstor plugin
and fallback to the `tm/ssh` implementation.

This means you have to remove the `CONTEXT_DISK_TYPE` attribute from
the Linstor system datastore, as we now use the default `FILE` type.

Context images are just read-only ISO files that are recreated every time
the VM is started and there is not much benefit from having them
as DRBD resources.

The plugin will delete old context images on VM delete and undeploy actions.
If you want to clean up the context images `OpenNebula-vm-context-*` you
need to
stop and start the VM that is still using it (no reboot).

linstor-opennebula 3.0.0
* Backup support: driver now forwards backup calls to `tm/shared` driver
* Removed context image handling, now the default `tm/ssh` will create
ISO context disks
* Support undeploy/mv actions to none Linstor nodes

Best regards,