Mailing List Archive

dbmail 1.2.6 fixes crash in dbmail-pop3d
Hi all,

We've released DBMail 1.2.6. Versions up to and including 1.2.5 (and the
experimental 2.0 branch up to rc4, CVS up to 5 minutes ago) can be
crashed by issuing a PASS command before a USER command. Like so:

$> telnet yourmailsever 110
Connected to yourmailserver
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK DBMAIL pop3 server ready to rock
PASS whatever
connection closed by foreign host.

DBMail 1.2.6 fixes this. The 2.0 branch has been fixed in CVS

Please mind that this crashes only crashes one child process, which will
be restarted by the server directly.
