Mailing List Archive

question about minor bugs
If we find a small "nuisance" bug in dbmail code, what would be the best
way of reporting it? I've found two but don't want to clutter mailing
lists unnecessarily. One I already reported to general list before I
subscribed to the dev list, but received no response (fetchmail and
dbmail-imap), and the other deals with debug output in dbmail-smtp.

all that tasty chuck fun, without the nasty aftertaste
Re: question about minor bugs [ In reply to ]
On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 14:49, Charles James McAuley wrote:
> If we find a small "nuisance" bug in dbmail code, what would be the best
> way of reporting it? I've found two but don't want to clutter mailing
> lists unnecessarily. One I already reported to general list before I
> subscribed to the dev list, but received no response (fetchmail and
> dbmail-imap), and the other deals with debug output in dbmail-smtp.
> -chuck
> --------------------

File it in the bug tracker, followed by a short note to the list letting
everyone know that you did. Ilja has said he does plan to use the
sourceforge tools, and they're brand new to the project, so lets start
using them!


Ryan Butler
ADI Internet Solutions