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Again: Group-Permissions

I did another test with adding permissions between users through groups - but I still don't get it :-(

This is what I've done:
I created a new "user" G, on which I set the "Group" role --> this is my group.
I created new users A and B

This is the SQL statement which I used to get back the rights for both users:

1. Test:
In the GUI I entered the group G and added user A with right "can read from" (R) and
user B with right "is Assistant to" (RW).
Then I executed the above statement.
I don't get any result --> no access to each others collections :-(

2. Test
I removed both users from the group.
I then entered user A and added the group G with right "can read from" (R) to him.
I then entered user B and added the group G with right "is Assistent to" (RW) to him.
Then I executed the above statement again...
...and still don't get any result --> still no access to each others collections :-(

3. Test
Combination of 1. and 2., A -R-> G and G -R-> A; B -RW-> G, G -RW->B
Then I executed the above statement again...
... now I get the result, that A is able to read from B and B is able to R from B.

I'm absolutely confused about the above results....

After studying several times
my understanding is that 1. should work as if A -R-> B and B -RW-> A.
(or if I misunderstand the direction this should be the case for 2.)
Even more confusing is 3. - why does both get read access to each other?
And no one gets read/write access?

Can somebody switch on the lights for me ;-)?

with regards,

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Geschaeftsfuehrer: Franz Kleiner
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Again: Group-Permissions [ In reply to ]
Matthias Mohr wrote:

> 1. Test:
> In the GUI I entered the group G and added user A with right "can read from" (R) and
> user B with right "is Assistant to" (RW).
> Then I executed the above statement.
> I don't get any result --> no access to each others collections :-(

This option worked great for me, I'm using a group and within that group
I've defined related users and resources (two Holiday calendars) which
can all successfully be read from that group.

You didn't mention which calendaring client you are using, but from
experience (and reading) I can report that Mozilla Lightning 0.9 and
Sunbird 0.9 both have difficulties with more than one read/write shared
calendar. I even noticed difficulties wanting to log in as another user
after restarting Lightning or Sunbird.

So I tend to tell my users to "lock" the read-only calendars from others
to prevent error messages (and confusion).

I've been using Debian Lenny with Davical 0.9.4, and now 0.9.5, testing
it with Lightning and Sunbird 0.9.

Again: Group-Permissions [ In reply to ]

> This option worked great for me, I'm using a group and within that group
> I've defined related users and resources (two Holiday calendars) which
> can all successfully be read from that group.
So you say you have a group with own calendars.
That's a different usage - in my case the group itself should just be there
to make the permission settings easier to handle.
It does not have any collections - only the user...
And I want to define how the user can access each others collections.

e.g. I've a developer team which may access each others calendars,
but not the members of another team.

> You didn't mention which calendaring client you are using, but from
That doesn't matter here - as stated in my posting, I tested it by
using SQL statements.
I wanted to avoid client problems and just make sure, the permissions are
correctly set - which they don't seem to be :-(

I'm using Thunderbird / Lighning - and we have some problems with shared
calendars, but they've nothing to do with the access rights...
(after they have been set up properly)

HELPING HEADS for Hard- and Software
Fuer Ihre Projekte entwickeln wir massgeschneiderte Loesungen - schnell,
flexibel und direkt vor Ort. Unser eingespieltes Team an erfahrenen Hard-
und Software-Spezialisten unterstuetzt Sie dort, wo Sie uns brauchen.

SysDesign GmbH
Saentisstrasse 25
D-88079 Kressbronn am Bodensee

Geschaeftsfuehrer: Franz Kleiner
Handelsregister: Ulm 632138