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calendar timezone
I realize this question may be too general but I'd like to know if
anyone can tell me the implications of setting the "Calendar Timezone:"
in davical's web interface when editing or creating a calendar?

For example, if a sales team travels the country, should they be
changing their serverside timezone? The fact that the default is
"**Unknown**" makes me think the setting is rather unimportant.

Thanks for your time.

calendar timezone [ In reply to ]
On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:24:56 -0400
Zach Williams <zwilliams at> wrote:

> For example, if a sales team travels the country, should they be
> changing their serverside timezone? The fact that the default is
> "**Unknown**" makes me think the setting is rather unimportant.
What ever timezone the server is in only reflects the web user
interface. Appointments is always presented in the clients configured

Michael Rasmussen

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