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Upgrading ubuntu 6.06 LTS with recent davical
On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 10:56 +0100, Jeremy Cook wrote:
> Dear Andrew,
> I need to upgrade my ubuntu from an older 6.something LTS. When I
> follow the steps for upgrading I get:
> root at bergen:/etc/apt# apt-get dist-upgrade
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree... Done
> Calculating upgrade... Done
> The following packages will be REMOVED:
> davical
> The following packages will be upgraded:
> libawl-php
> (I have deb lenny awm in my
> sources.list)

That's odd. I guess it is possibly a timing issue, but you should be
seeing libawl-php version 0.42 and davical version (I just
checked my repository, and that's what I see from it.

I suppose it's possible you did an 'apt-get update' at just exactly the
wrong moment.

What does it say if you:

apt-get update
apt-cache show davical libawl-php
apt-get --verbose -fuyd dist-upgrade


Possibly, after apt-get update, you can just:

apt-get -f install davical/

to pull in the correct version.

> I dont really want to break my davical installation ! as we use it
> constantly (it is working well with a shared calendar between 4 users,
> with 4 iphone clients and 3 sunbird clients, much more stable than
> google calendar with the same setup) and wondered if you know the best
> migration path, or can point me at some documentation that will help
> me preserve my calendars with a minimum of fuss and downtime?

You could manually download the & 0.42 packages if necessary,
and it's possible that you're running against PostgreSQL 8.1, which is
the real problem.

If you can upgrade to a more recent PostgreSQL that would be great. If
you can't you will have to install the latest DAViCal with a:

dpkg -i --force-depends davical_0.9.8.4-0_all.deb

Since it says it only supports postgres 8.2 and later, though in reality
it actually will work OK with 8.1 and this is an error in the
dependencies that got added when I thought it didn't work with 8.1...


andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com +64(272)DEBIAN
Ignorance is like cholera. It cannot be controlled by the individual
alone: it requires the organised efforts of society. -- Sir Muir Gray


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