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Weird problem with conserver-8.0.3

After upgrading to conserver-8.0.3 from 7.2.2, we've experienced
a couple of strange problems.

The first connection to "" after starting conserver
takes quite a long time to succeed. The next connection appears normal

It does not matter whether I specify "host1" or ""
as the console name.

The real problem is that the next time I try to connect to another
console in the same console group (controlled by the same conserver),
I end up with the previous host, unless I use the full console name.

This is how it looks

cs4(root) / 548# console host1
[Enter `^Ec?' for help] console login: [disconnect]
cs4(root) / 549# console host2
[Enter `^Ec?' for help] console login: [disconnect] <- WRONG CONSOLE
cs4(root) / 550# console
[Enter `^Ec?' for help] console login: [disconnect]
cs4(root) / 551#

Here are some parts of

default * {
logfile /var/log/conserver/&.log;
timestamp 1h;
baud 9600;
parity none;
rw *;
master localhost;
type device;

config * {
defaultaccess rejected;
passwdfile /etc/conserver/conserver.passwd;

console { device /dev/sts/ttyN00; }
console { device /dev/sts/ttyN01; }

The software is compiled under Solaris 2.6 and 8 with
Sun's compiler(s)

And thanks for a great product.

Re: Weird problem with conserver-8.0.3 [ In reply to ]
On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 10:19:56AM +0200, Rolf Petter Halle wrote:
> After upgrading to conserver-8.0.3 from 7.2.2, we've experienced a
> couple of strange problems.

sorry about that. :-(

> The first connection to "" after starting conserver
> takes quite a long time to succeed. The next connection appears normal
> (fast).

how many consoles are you managing, and are there any messages appearing
in the conserver logs? if there are hundreds/thousands of consoles, it
will take a bit for things to start up, but i would guessed that the
startup time for 8.x.x would always be faster than 7.x.x. something
that might be useful (to help track down the problem) is the output from
'console -DD' when it exhibits the problem. it
(should) help determine at what stage things hang. and seeing it's
progress might help you see what it's doing.

> The real problem is that the next time I try to connect to another
> console in the same console group (controlled by the same conserver),
> I end up with the previous host, unless I use the full console name.

yikes. there's a bug! yep...i'm able to do that with mine too.
there's a relatively simple fix, and i should have it for everyone
very soon. i actually have a handful of simple fixes that fix bugs like
this that i think i'll just release as 8.0.4 "very soon now". (i always
like being able to just download a new tarball instead of having to
apply a set of patches to the latest release of a package, so we'll use
up some release numbers)

thanks for making me aware of this, and if you can either send the
'console -DD' output or take a look at it yourself and find the seconds
that have the big delays and share that with me, that would be great.
