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SV: newbie problem connecting to a solaris 10 serial using ciscoterminal
Hi Brian!
i did solve the problem by rebooting the omunix-test server which is my test console. Then i tried to reproduce the problem by type ctrl s, and it did behave exactly the way it did before the reboot, so i typed ctrl q and the console worked again, so thank you very much for your reply, im quite shure that the problem occured becaused i tried to exit the console without using the Ec. and in some way managed to type ctrl s witout knowing what it ment.

best regards Simon

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [] På vegne af Bryan Stansell
Sendt: 6. marts 2006 16:54
Emne: Re: newbie problem connecting to a solaris 10 serial using ciscoterminal

On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 09:37:08AM +0100, Simon Jespersen wrote:
> it worked the first time i tried but when i shoud exit the terminal i
> did type some strange symbols, until i find out how to exit , ctrl
> +Ec . after that it is not possible to connect to that console.

it sounds like the conserver parts are correct. you might have just
gotten the port "stuck" on the cisco. if you have software flow control
on and happened to hit ctrl-s, you could try typing ctrl-q to get it
going again. another option is to tell conserver to disconnect from
that port (which lets the cisco semi-reset the port, hopefully) and then
reconnect...use '^Ecd' and then '^Eco'. if things are still are hung,
then something on the host is probably confused and you may want to log
into the box via a different method (ssh?), look for processes attached
to the console, and start killing them off (to hopefully reset things).

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