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[clamav-users] TCPSocket works LocalSocket not
Hi clamav users,

On our Ubuntu 20.04.6 systems I Installed clamav 0.103.11 or 1.2.1
On both Clamav versions clamonacc works correct with the parameters "TCPSocket 3310" and "TCPaddr localhost".
On both Clamav versions clamonacc with the parameter "LocalSocket /run/clamv/clamd.sock" give the error messages below:

ERROR: ClamCom: TIMEOUT while waiting on socket (recv)

ClamClient: connection could not be established ... return code 12

ClamWorker: performing scanning on file '/home/hans/clamav/'
ClamFanotif: attempting to feed consumer queue

Is this a known problem?

Best regards,

Ing. Hans van Leeuwen
System manager

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