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[clamav-users] Log time in clamd logs

I need to enable time stamps for clamd logs. I already enabled log time to
yes in the scan.conf file but still, the clamd log files dont show time
stamp. Thank you.
Re: [clamav-users] Log time in clamd logs [ In reply to ]
Hi there,

On Mon, 3 Oct 2022, Jerome Teano via clamav-users wrote:

> I need to enable time stamps for clamd logs. I already enabled log time to
> yes in the scan.conf file but still, the clamd log files dont show time
> stamp. Thank you.

The clamd daemon only reads its configuration when it starts. One
explanation could be that you did not restart clamd after changing the
configuration. Of course other explanations are possible, such as for
example that the clamd you're running isn't using the configuration
file that you have changed, or that the configuration is confused, or
broken, or that something else other than ClamAV is doing something
with the logs without your knowledge.

As you have mentioned 'scan.conf' I guess that this is Red Hat or some
similar Linux system, but you really ought to tell us. There's more
than one way to write logs in a Linux system and you preferably need
to choose one and use it for most logging on the system. Most of the
time the distribution packagers do that for you, but they seem to do a
lot of crazy things too, like renaming the configuration files. People
usually use a file called 'clamd.conf'. If you install from the source
instead of using the distibution's package manager to install ClamAV -
you really should have told us that too - that's what you'll be using.
This is complicated mostly because we don't know yet. (Rant, about
package managers, and Red Hat in particular, ends. :)

If you run the command

clamconf -n

and let us see the output we might be able to help better.



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