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[clamav-users] Uninstall macos universal package

I installed the clamav-0.105.0.macos.universal.pkg and I want to remove
whatever was installed on my system but I can't find anything when
searching. How can I remove and find what was installed?

Thank you

Re: [clamav-users] Uninstall macos universal package [ In reply to ]
Hi there,

On Wed, 1 Jun 2022, Ismael via clamav-users wrote:

> I installed the clamav-0.105.0.macos.universal.pkg and I want to remove
> whatever was installed on my system but I can't find anything when
> searching. How can I remove and find what was installed?

This is less a question about ClamAV than it is about packaging systems.

Sorry, I haven't actually used a Mac for more than twenty years. Try
to find out more about using the package tools for your system. The
documentation will be available for you although you might need to
install a documentation package or two.

Package tools which provide the means to install packages usually also
provide the means to remove those same packages. Often there will be
more than one way to do it. There will usually also be tools in the
packaging system to answer questions like "what files are in this
package, and where are they in the filesystem?" There will be things
to watch out for, such as accidentally uninstalling things which you
didn't mean to uninstall, but most packaging systems are reasonably

But it usually isn't necessary to uninstall something if you just
don't want to use it - is there some compelling reason making you want
to uninstall it? If you've downloaded the signatures you'll save some
storage space by deleting them, but otherwise you won't save much.



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Re: [clamav-users] Uninstall macos universal package [ In reply to ]
Simple. As you can see from the attached, drag /usr/local/clamav folder (directory) to the trash and empty.


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> On Jun 1, 2022, at 12:37 PM, Ismael via clamav-users <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed the clamav-0.105.0.macos.universal.pkg and I want to remove whatever was installed on my system but I can't find anything when searching. How can I remove and find what was installed?
> Thank you