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[clamav-users] clamav-milter and ClamdSocket tcp with multi-host A record

I am trying to use the ClamdSocket tcp: and am successfully connecting
to port 3310 of a clamd daemon on remote hosts to scan using clamav-milter.

The hostname I configured points to a pool


this resolves to 4 IP addresses

I am surprised to see that each server where I configured clamav-milter
to connect to this multi-A record host, it seems to choose one and never
connect to a different server. The TTL on the A record is 60 seconds,
therefore I am guessing/hoping it is re-resolving it? So basically, one
server gets utilize alot more instead of spreading the load over
multiple servers.

In any case, is there another way I should be configuring this, or is
this normal/expected behaviour?

Thanks in advance,



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Re: [clamav-users] clamav-milter and ClamdSocket tcp with multi-host A record [ In reply to ]
On 13.11.19 11:21, Chris Conn wrote:
>I am trying to use the ClamdSocket tcp: and am successfully connecting
>to port 3310 of a clamd daemon on remote hosts to scan using
>The hostname I configured points to a pool
>this resolves to 4 IP addresses
>I am surprised to see that each server where I configured
>clamav-milter to connect to this multi-A record host, it seems to
>choose one and never connect to a different server. The TTL on the A
>record is 60 seconds, therefore I am guessing/hoping it is
>re-resolving it?

seems it's being resolved on startup. Docs say:

This option can be repeated several times with different sockets
or even with the same socket: clamd servers will be selected in
a round-robin fashion.

seems currently thebest way is using four different hosts.
maybe milter could be enhanced to use all addresses in pool for multihomed

> So basically, one server gets utilize alot more
>instead of spreading the load over multiple servers.
>In any case, is there another way I should be configuring this, or is
>this normal/expected behaviour?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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