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[clamav-users] scanning of a 1MB exe files takes up to 130seconds on a single core xeon cpu - is that normal?
Hi folks,

root@mx1:~# clamscan scan335019041109350063746475.pdf.exe
scan335019041109350063746475.pdf.exe: FOUND

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 10454740
Engine version: 0.101.2
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 1
Data scanned: 0.12 MB
Data read: 0.90 MB (ratio 0.14:1)
Time: 135.895 sec (2 m 15 s)

Why is this so slow? I see almost 100% cpu. But seriously on a 1MB file 2
mines? What could cause this high load? Can i speed this up a bit with kind
of cache or something?

thank you! :)
Re: [clamav-users] scanning of a 1MB exe files takes up to 130seconds on a single core xeon cpu - is that normal? [ In reply to ]

This is happening because it takes time to load all the signatures.

Using clamdscan instead clamscan will probably giving you sub-second scan because all the signatures are already loaded into memory and it's just waiting for a scan.

Best regards,


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On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 1:09 AM +0300, "Stefan Bauer via clamav-users" <> wrote:

Hi folks,
root@mx1:~# clamscan scan335019041109350063746475.pdf.exe
scan335019041109350063746475.pdf.exe: FOUND

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 10454740
Engine version: 0.101.2
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 1
Data scanned: 0.12 MB
Data read: 0.90 MB (ratio 0.14:1)
Time: 135.895 sec (2 m 15 s)
Why is this so slow? I see almost 100% cpu. But seriously on a 1MB file 2 mines? What could cause this high load? Can i speed this up a bit with kind of cache or something?
thank you! :)
Re: [clamav-users] scanning of a 1MB exe files takes up to 130seconds on a single core xeon cpu - is that normal? [ In reply to ]
> Why is this so slow? I see almost 100% cpu. But seriously on a 1MB file 2
> mines? What could cause this high load? Can i speed this up a bit with kind
> of cache or something?

Basically what Iulian said... When running 'clamscan' it takes a while
(especially if you have 3rd party rules) to load & parse them all into

A much more efficient way is to have the 'clamd' service running and
use 'clamdscan'. The only catch is user/file permissions as typically
clamd runs as its own user.


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