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HTTP Status rule causing "undefined symbol: cherokee_socket_set_client"
I set the handler for a directory to "HTTP Status" to return a 403 error.
Now my Cherokee server won't start due to the following:

[02/12/2011 23:11:20.614] (error) plugin_loader.c:199 - Something just
while opening a plug-in file | The operating system reported
'/usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
cherokee_socket_set_client' while trying to load

[02/12/2011 23:11:20.614] (error) plugin_loader.c:367 - Could not open the
'custom_error' module | Either you are trying to use an unavailable
(uninstalled?) plugin, or there is a installation issue.

Couldn't read the config file: /etc/cherokee/cherokee.conf

I needed to remove the following lines in order to get it to start again:
vserver!10!rule!360!handler = custom_error
vserver!10!rule!360!handler!error = 403
vserver!10!rule!360!match = directory
vserver!10!rule!360!match!directory = /MvcTest

Any ideas how to resolve this? I'm using the Cherokee packages from Debian