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Fwd: bric_id
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> From: "Lurye, Evelina" <>
> Date: February 8, 2010 5:03:00 PM PST
> To: "David E. Wheeler" <>
> Subject: bric_id
> We have installed the newest version of bricolage (1.10.9) and we're having trouble accessing the bric_id in the uri of an output channel. In our current version we use /%{bric_id}/ to call it in but that doesn't print anything. The %{hex_uuid} works but it's too long and complicated for our purposes.When I look in the bricolage api under Bric::Biz::OutputChannel in the $oc = $oc->set_uri_format($uri_format) section, the bric_id isn't part of the list. The bric_id would return the same value as $story->get_id, I don't knw if I need to set this element somewhere but it would be very helpful if we could continue to use the story id in the uri.
> Thanks,
> Evelina
> Evelina Lurye
> Web Programmer
> CBS Entertainment Tonight/ Insider