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[Bricolage-General] Re: Mason 1.10
On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, David Wheeler wrote:

> In a few hours, Dave Rolsky will be releasing HTML::Mason 1.10. This is a
> major upgrade to Mason, with lots of really cool new features. In the next
> several weeks, I hope to find time to port Bricolage to work with those new
> features. Doing so will likely result in a mild increase in performance, and
> it will also allow Mason template users to get syntax errors listed for the
> line on which the error actually happened in the template!
> In the meantime, however, you should all be aware that Bricolage is *not*
> currently compatible with Mason 1.10. You can use 1.05 just fine, but until
> I get the chance to make the patch, do *not* upgrade your copy of Mason to
> 1.10.

It's worth noting that Mason 1.10 will detect an earlier installation
(1.05 or lower) and ask you if you want to upgrade, so it'd be difficult
to accidentally do this via CPAN.

And hopefully people who make RPM and Debian packages will be smart enough
to wait until there are new versions of things like Bricolage and RT
before making a Mason 1.10 package (I say optimistically ;).


we await the New Sun

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