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[Bricolage #276] Unable to execute SQL statement
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Nick Legg updated this ticket at July 20th, 2011 @ 11:44 AM
* Assigned user changed from "" to "Bugs (at bricolage)"
In your database, run this query:

SELECT * FROM story_instance WHERE story__id = 204774;

I receive this error from time to time when the story is stuck in a partially checked-out state. The results of this query may reveal the same issue. If you have multiple story_instance records with the same version number, that's your problem. It sounds like your duplicate is probably version 11. Find the duplicate that shouldn't exist (yet), because the story hasn't been checked out (yet), and DELETE that record from the database:

DELETE FROM story_instance WHERE id = xxxxxxx;

Assigned: Bugs (at bricolage)
State: new
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