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[Bricolage #217] Xinha WYSIWYG fields broken when collapsed on load.
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Nick Legg updated this ticket at April 28th, 2011 @ 03:51 PM
* Tag changed from "2.0.0 userinterface wysiwyg xinha" to "2.0.0 2.0.1 userinterface wysiwyg xinha"
Just an update here.

I now have Xinha working in the following cases:

* Properly loads for already-opened WYSIWYG textareas when entering or refreshing the story profile
* Properly loads when a closed element containing a WYSIWYG textarea is toggled open
* Properly loads when a closed element containing a WYSIWYG textarea is toggled open, then closed, then open again (and so on...)
* Keeps already-loaded WYSIWYGs alive when a new element is created on the story profile
* Keeps already-loaded WYSIWYGs alive when an element is deleted from the story profile

Attached is my current patch up to this point.

There is one remaining bug that I'm aware of. In Safari, Chrome, and Firefox (not in IE, oddly) a WYSIWYG field will crash and lose its content if the element containing it is re-ordered via drag & drop. This only occurs if the moved WYSIWYG had been initialized **before** the move occured. If an uninitialized WYSYWIG-containing element is moved, then the WYSIWYG will start up properly once the element is toggled open. Any ideas regarding this problem?

Assigned: theory
State: open
Milestone: 2.0.2
- xinha-fix.patch

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