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[Bricolage #202] Media is not expired properly when removed from an output channel
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Michael Herring updated this ticket at March 24th, 2011 @ 02:55 PM
* Tag changed from "1.10.9 expire "output channel" republish" to "1.10.9 2.0.1 expire "output channel" republish"
This problem can also be exhibited when changing the category of a media asset that has more than one output channel. It appears that the asset is properly expired from the first output channel in alphabetical order attached to the story but is not removed from any other output channels including the primary.

The result of this problem is orphaned assets remaining on the server(s).

I was also able to reproduce the problem in Bricolage 2.0.1

Assigned: theory
State: open
Milestone: 2.0.2
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[Bricolage #202] Media is not expired properly when removed from an output channel [ In reply to ]
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Nick Legg updated this ticket at April 5th, 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Confirming this issue also occurs upon deactivating a media which is associated with multiple output channels; the file is only removed via the first output channel (*not* necessarily the *primary* output channel; it chooses the OC that shows up first in the media profile which is determined alphabetically).

This issue occurs in Bricolage 1.10.9 and 2.0.1.

Assigned: theory
State: open
Milestone: 2.0.2
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