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[Bricolage #205] bric_queued should provide a date with each log entry
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Aaron Fuleki updated this ticket at November 15th, 2010 @ 08:36 PM
* Tag changed from "" to "2.0.1 enhancement log"
Agreed. The current logs read like the drunken, a-temporal ramblings of a madman. It's crucial that whatever fix was used in 1.10.7 to chronologically order events within a transaction also apply to the logs, so that grouped events don't show up out of order. I assume this would be relatively easy, since the `events` table now includes microseconds.

It's not a perfect match, but if the logs could be formatted more along the lines of the [Common Log Format](, they would be much easier to grep, or parse in 3rd party log managers.

Assigned: Bugs (at bricolage)
State: new
Milestone: Future
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