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[Bricolage #200] Asset's published_version, publish_status set even if publish job fails
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phillipadsmith updated this ticket at October 29th, 2010 @ 11:28 PM
* State changed from "new" to "open"
* Assigned user changed from "Bugs (at bricolage)" to "theory"
* Milestone changed from "" to "2.0.1"
> If an unpublished asset is published and the publish job fails, that asset's published_version, publish_status, first_publish_date, and publish_date are all updated in the database anyway. In effect, any search for published assets via SOAP, other templates, etc will pick up this "published" asset even though it was never properly burned out and distributed.

I think this behaviour would only happen with queued publishing, correct?

David: does the bric_queued or bric_dist_mon update the publish status if things fail?

Assigned: theory
State: open
Milestone: 2.0.1
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