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[Bricolage #177] story->list should provide an easy way to grab stories by day, month or year
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Matthew Rolf updated this ticket at June 1st, 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Most people create archive pages on the basis of category. But what if you want to create one on the basis of time, and do monthly archives for stories in categories that don't provide year, month or day identifiers? This is slightly more challenging (unless I'm missing something).

I think the story->list API should have an easy way to return stories in the same day, month, year based on a story's cover date. Users can currently do this, but they have to do extra work to get the first and last day in the range.

It seems like a logical enhancement that could make life easier for template designers, and give them another option. I'm open to discussing ideas about how to make this work and whether it should be an enhancement.


Assigned: Bugs (at bricolage)
State: new
Milestone: 2.1.0
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