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[mod_backhand-users] Problem on solaris
I have 2 solaris 2.6 machine running apache 1.3.12 with ApacheJserv1.1.2 and

I use the next commands to compile mod_backhand:
apxs -c -o apue.c arriba.c back_util.c builtins.c
apxs -c -o byHostname.c

I put next lines into httpd.conf:
# LoadModule foo_module libexec/
LoadModule backhand_module libexec/
LoadModule env_module libexec/
LoadModule config_log_module libexec/
LoadModule mime_module libexec/

AddModule mod_backhand.c
AddModule mod_env.c
AddModule mod_log_config.c
<IfModule mod_backhand.c>
# This directorty must be readable and writable by euid of apache (nobody)
# The mod_backhand-Arriba and the AF_UNIX domain files are stored in here.
UnixSocketDir /export/home/apache_jssl/backhand
# This would be the way to do ethernet broadcast
# MulticastStats
# but we choose to use the following IP multicast address with a TTL of 1
# We want to accept resource information originating from any IP on our
# network.

<Location "/backhand/">
SetHandler backhand-handler
<Directory "/export/home/apache_jssl/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Backhand byAge
Backhand byRandom
Backhand byLogWindow
Backhand byLoad

When i start Apache with commands
apachectl stop
apachectl start
i receive te following message:
Syntax error on line 208 of /export/home/apache_jssl/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /export/home/apache_jssl/libexec/ into server: /export/home/apache_jssl/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
/export/home/apache_jssl/libexec/ symbol pow: referenced
symbol not found
../../bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Someone could help me?

Filippo Adessi
Milan, Italy
[mod_backhand-users] Problem on solaris [ In reply to ]
Filippo Adessi wrote:
> I have 2 solaris 2.6 machine running apache 1.3.12 with ApacheJserv1.1.2 and
> mod_php4.0.2.

Great. Two issues:

> I use the next commands to compile mod_backhand:
> apxs -c -o apue.c arriba.c back_util.c builtins.c
> mod_backhand.c

mod_backhand uses floating point arithmetic to calculate and compare costs.
This requires the math library and the kstat library on Solaris, so try:

apxs -c -o apue.c arriba.c back_util.c builtins.c
mod_backhand.c -lm -lkstat

> apxs -c -o byHostname.c

On Solaris, there are problems loading candidacy functions dynamically if
mod_backhand is dynamically loaded. I notice that you don't use byHostname,
but be warned that it may not work in your existing compile environment.

Two hacks:
(1) compile mod_backhand statically and load as many candidacy functions as
you want.
(2) compile mod_backhand dynamically and change builtins every time you add a
candidacy functions.

Both options have their trade-offs.

Theo Schlossnagle
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