Mailing List Archive

[mod_backhand-users] mod_backhand 1.0.9 released.
Hello all!

After much sweat, blood and tears: I am proud to announce that
mod_backhand 1.0.9 has been released. It offers most the features
requested to date as well as a handful of bug fixes.

I won't go into much detail here, but HTTP Redirection is now supported
as an alternative method to proxying for redirecting to another server.
Many other things have been added as well, please refer to the ChangeLog
on the website for more information.

The FAQ, performance tuning, and ChangeLog documents have all been
updated. Documentation for the BackhandLogLevel directive is still in
source form (*.c) :) This will soon work its way into the FAQ.

As far as I can see, this is more stable than 1.0.8 :) Have fun!

Theo Schlossnagle
1024D/A8EBCF8F/13BD 8C08 6BE2 629A 527E 2DC2 72C2 AD05 A8EB CF8F
2047R/33131B65/71 F7 95 64 49 76 5D BA 3D 90 B9 9F BE 27 24 E7