Mailing List Archive

mod_backhand-1.1.1pre4 available.
mod_backhand 1.1.1pre4 is available for testing.

The relevant lines in the ChangeLog since version 1.1.1pre3 are:

* Now supports FreeBSD-4.x platform.
* Removed BackhandProxied: from the headers_in on the proxying machine.
This allows SetEnvIf BackhandProxied to work write even when
BackhandSelfRedirect is enabled.
* No longer remove Content-Length headers from Connection: close
responses. This makes users' progress bars work correctly.
* Clients speaking HTTP/1.1 were not getting Keep-Alives turned on
under certain circumstances. This has been fixed -- I think.
* Headers in multiplicity were reduced to a single headers. This breaks
some apps that use multiple Set-Cookie headers. This has been fixed.
* Fixed bug in moderator restart when mod_backhand is statically
compiled into Apache.
* Fixed double printing of mod_backhand settings to error_log on

For changes since 1.1.0 please visit the web site look at the full changelog.

Theo Schlossnagle
1024D/A8EBCF8F/13BD 8C08 6BE2 629A 527E 2DC2 72C2 AD05 A8EB CF8F
2047R/33131B65/71 F7 95 64 49 76 5D BA 3D 90 B9 9F BE 27 24 E7