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mythtv upgrade on FC17 with Hauppauge HVR-2200
another heads up for those with a Hauppauge HVR-2200 DVB card

I found it didn't initialise correctly but I found the following post which help me fix my
issue .

syslog messages

Aug 28 11:13:01 mythbox kernel: [ 48.274587] DVB: Unable to find symbol tda10048_attach()
Aug 28 11:13:01 mythbox kernel: [ 48.274590] saa7164_dvb_register() Frontend
initialization failed
Aug 28 11:13:01 mythbox kernel: [ 48.274591] saa7164_initdev() Failed to register dvb
adapters on porta
Aug 28 11:13:01 mythbox kernel: [ 48.274613] DVB: Unable to find symbol tda10048_attach()
Aug 28 11:13:01 mythbox kernel: [ 48.274615] saa7164_dvb_register() Frontend
initialization failed
Aug 28 11:13:01 mythbox kernel: [ 48.274616] saa7164_initdev() Failed to register dvb
adapters on portb

I ran the following script which and put the output in my modprobe.d/mydvb.conf file

echo;for i in $(lspci -nv |awk 'BEGIN {look=0;driver=""} /^..:.........:/{look=0}
/^..:.....04[08]0:/{look=1} /Kernel driver in use: / {if(look) {print $5}}'); do
MODFILE=$(find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name "$i.ko" -print); if [ -r "$MODFILE" ]; then
DEPS=$(strings "$MODFILE" |grep -i "Unable to find symbol"|sed 's/.*Unable to find symbol
\(.*\)_attach.*/\1/'); if [ -n "$DEPS" ]; then echo -e "softdep $i pre: \c"; for j in
$DEPS; do echo -e " $j\c";done;echo;echo;fi;fi;done

so just incase anyone else gets the same issue.


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