Mailing List Archive

List of Possible Log Messages
I was wondering if anyone has compiled a list of the possible error and
access log messages in apache. I know there are a lot. If such a beast
does not exist, could someone at least point me in the right direction?
Thank you very much!

Re: List of Possible Log Messages [ In reply to ]
Winkie wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has compiled a list of the possible
> error and access log messages in apache. I know there are a lot.
> If such a beast does not exist, could someone at least point me
> in the right direction?

AFAIK, no such beast currently exists.. yet. It's going to
be an appendix (or two) in the 'Apache Module Development in C'
book I and Ryan Bloom are writing. Hopefully this specific
information will be available online before the book reaches

Even without descriptions, the list is dozens of pages long.
I can probably supply a list of the message texts alone,
w/o any description, if that's any help.
#ken P-)}

Ken Coar <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Software Foundation <>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
"Apache Server Unleashed" <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>