Mailing List Archive

YA Shambhala spin (first attempt at XBITHACK)
I just put Shambhala 0.4.5 up for anonymous ftp at This contains
my first try at XBITHACK implementation (it's actually a per-directory
configuration option, but -DXBITHACK *should* change the default as
you would expect).

It also contains a first cut at loading new modules at runtime, using
the GNU DLD library. It lets you put things in your config files like:

# Load in the file SERVER_ROOT/modules/mod_ai_backcompat.o,
# which contains a 'module' structure named ai_backcompat_module
LoadModule ai_backcompat_module modules/mod_ai_backcompat.o

# Link in the functions that module needs from the C library
LoadFile /lib/libc.a

This code is not compiled or linked in by default, since most people
probably haven't got DLD; if you want it, you need to add mod_dld.o to
the MODULES list in the Makefile, and dld_module to the list of
prelinked modules in modules.c. NB that the LoadFoo directives are
not redone when the config files are reread on a SIGHUP, since I
haven't yet quite figured out the best way to handle that
(particularly when the set of modules to load has changed); this is
still a first cut.

See the README for more info on both XBITHACK and the DLD stuff.

Other changes:

*) DBM auth code is now enabled in the standard build, since I have
reports that it actually works...

*) *.var files work (better).

*) ScriptAlias and Alias in virtual servers can now override the main

*) Miscellaneous small code cleanups.

Bugs *not* fixed in this release --- whatever problem Randy's having
with imagemaps, and leaving file descriptors open to CGI scripts.

Have at it.
