Mailing List Archive

[ANNOUNCE] mod_fcgid 2.3.6 is released
The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are
pleased to announce the release of version 2.3.6 of mod_fcgid, a
FastCGI implementation for Apache HTTP Server versions 2.0, 2.2, and
future 2.4. This version of mod_fcgid is a bug fix release.

A fix is included for CVE-2010-3872, a potential vulnerability which
can affect sites with untrusted FastCGI applications.

Additionally, default configuration settings for request body handling
have been changed to prevent large system resource use. Administrators
of all versions of mod_fcgid are strongly cautioned to ensure that
FcgidMaxRequestLen is configured appropriately.

mod_fcgid is available for download from:

A full list of changes in this release follows:

*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-3872 (
Fix possible stack buffer overwrite. Diagnosed by the reporter.
PR 49406. [Edgar Frank <ef-lists>]

*) Change the default for FcgidMaxRequestLen from 1GB to 128K.
Administrators should change this to an appropriate value based on
site requirements. [Jeff Trawick]

*) Allow FastCGI apps more time to exit at shutdown before being
forcefully killed. [Jeff Trawick]

*) Correct a problem that resulted in FcgidMaxProcesses being ignored
in some situations. PR 48981. [<rkosolapov>]

*) Fix the search for processes with the proper vhost config when
ServerName isn't set in every vhost or a module updates
r->server->server_hostname dynamically (e.g., mod_vhost_cdb)
or a module updates r->server dynamically (e.g., mod_vhost_ldap).
[Jeff Trawick]

*) FcgidPassHeader now maps header names to environment variable names
in the usual manner: The header name is converted to upper case and
is prefixed with HTTP_. An additional environment variable is
created with the legacy name. PR 48964. [Jeff Trawick]

*) Allow processes to be reused within multiple phases of a request
by releasing them into the free list as soon as possible.
[Chris Darroch]

*) Fix lookup of process command lines when using FcgidWrapper or
access control directives, including within .htaccess files.
[Chris Darroch]

*) Resolve a regression in 2.3.5 with httpd 2.0.x on some Unix platforms;
ownership of mutex files was incorrect, resulting in a startup failure.
PR 48651. [Jeff Trawick, <pservit>]

*) Return 500 instead of segfaulting when the application returns no output.
[Tatsuki Sugiura <sugi>, Jeff Trawick]

*) In FCGI_AUTHORIZER role, avoid spawning a new process for every
different HTTP request. [Chris Darroch]