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Data.fs too huge

I'm running zope 2.7.2 with CPS and haven't packed my database for about a year.

The problem is that it's now 25 GB (yes!) and I have to pack it, you
certainly understand why. But I've understood that when packing, zope
creates a backup file named data.fs.old, which is , logically, the size of
the previous database.
BUT the folder containing data.fs has only 5 GB space left, and there is no
other folder that could store such a big file on my server.

So my question is :

is there a way to prevent zope from creating a data.fs.old when packing ?

Or, more generally : have some of you already had to deal with this problem ?

Thank you very much

Zope-DB mailing list
Re: Data.fs too huge [ In reply to ] wrote at 2005-9-22 16:46 +0200:
> ...
>The problem is that it's now 25 GB (yes!) and I have to pack it, you
>certainly understand why. But I've understood that when packing, zope
>creates a backup file named data.fs.old, which is , logically, the size of
>the previous database.
>BUT the folder containing data.fs has only 5 GB space left, and there is no
>other folder that could store such a big file on my server.
>So my question is :
>is there a way to prevent zope from creating a data.fs.old when packing ?

You may be lucky -- and packing may succeed despite the only 5 GB free

During packing, the required (still active) parts only
are copied from the old storage to a new one.

At the end of packing, the old file is renamed to "Data.fs.old"
and the new one to "Data.fs".


The total amount of required disk space is the
sum of the old and the new (packed) size.

If the packed storage is smaller than 5 GB, packing
will succeed.

Should it be larger, then you will need to modify the packing
code (tiny parts of it): It would then be necessary to
create the new storage on a different partition and because
renaming would no longer work (it does not over partition boundaries),
you would later need to copy it back.

Zope-DB mailing list
Re: Data.fs too huge [ In reply to ]
Please stay on the list -- readded... wrote at 2005-9-23 16:59 +0200:
> ...
>I have thought of another solution, if there is not enough space : it's to
>mount an external nfs patition (as big as possible) and tell zope in
>zope.conf that the database storage is in this partition.
>Does it seem realistic ?

This may work -- but I would instead copy the storage to
a different server with enough disk space and pack there.
Of course, you need a Zope installation there. But, that
is very easy.

>Oh, and another question : if the packing fails (due to a lack of space),
>does it affect the Zserver and zope behaviour at all or does zope keep on
>working, simply telling "packing failed" ?

It does not affect Zope's behaviour. It will simply tell you "packing failed".

Zope-DB mailing list