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CMF 2.1.1-beta released
The CMF developer community is hereby announcing the release of CMF
version 2.1.1-beta.

What is the CMF?

The Zope Content Management Framework provides a set of services and
content objects useful for building highly dynamic, content-oriented
portal sites. The CMF provides the foundation for popular software
packages such as Plone. It is intended to be easily customizable, in
terms of both the types of content used and the policies and services
it provides.

Where do I get it?

For release files, change logs, installation instructions and more
please visit

Roadmap and release information can be found at

The CMF mailing list can be reached at the address,
to sign up please visit

Please file bug reports, feature requests or suggestions in the CMF
bug collector at .

What has changed since the last release?

Bug Fixes

- CMFActionIcons profiles: Fixed dependency in import_steps.xml.

- CMFDefault profiles: Fixed some dependencies in import_steps.xml.

- DCWorkflow.exportimport: Scripts with invalid types imported
after scripts with valid types will no longer place the valid
script twice. Scripts can also now be specified with meta_types
other than the hard-coded meta_types.

- CMFDefault.utils: The email validation would reject addresses
the domain part started with a single letter element.

- CMFDefault skins: Prevented the getMainGlobals script to fail
if not
content-type header is set.

- AfterTransitionEvent now passes along the new status of the
object, just
as StateChangeInfo passes on the new status to after-transition


- Updated to the 0.3 release of five.localsitemanager.

- Testing: Derive test layers from ZopeLite layer if available.

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