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2.6.12-xenU hangs at boot
I'm using the latest unstable source. Dom0 comes up fine. But when I
create a new domain with kernel 2.6.12-xenU, it hangs at boot. I see the
following debugging messages:

do_xenbus_probe> connect backends...
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_devices> path=device
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device_type> dirpath=device typename=console
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device> dir=device/console name=0
XENBUS: Registering device console-0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device< err=0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device_type< err=0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device_type> dirpath=device typename=vbd
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device> dir=device/vbd name=0
XENBUS: Registering device vbd-0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device< err=0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_deviceenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device< err=0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_> dir=device/vbd name=1
XENBUS: Registering device vbd-1
xprobe_device_type< err=0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device_type> dirpath=device typename=vif
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device> dir=device/vif name=0
XENBUS: Registering device vif-0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device< err=0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_device_type< err=0
XENBUS xs_read_watch: 0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_devices< err=0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_backends> path=backend
XENBUS xs_read_watch: 0
xenbus [DBG] xenbus_probe_backends< err=-2

Does the last line (err = -2) indicate some problem? After these messages,
the kernel goes forward, but finally freezes before it tries to fsck the
disks and add swap.

My machine is a P3 SMP and I use loopback files as hard disks for domU.

Has anyone seen this problem before?


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