Mailing List Archive

Xen Mailing Lists Community:

As the community manager, I would like to personally apologize
to the community for the Mailing Lists being down for the past
week. As part of the Citrix acquisition of XenSource, the IT
departments have been working at merging systems and we discovered a
problem with a financial integration as the server hosting the
Mailing Lists was not paid for by the new system and was turned off by
the hosting agency. The Mailing Lists servers are at Cambridge
University and it took some time to determine what happened, pay the
bill, and get the systems up and running properly.

To ensure that nothing like this happens again, we are going to begin
work on moving the Mailing Lists from a hosted server at
Cambridge to a server working directly with within the Citrix IT
infrastructure. This effort may take a few weeks as we need to ensure
that no emails are lost in the transition and that everyone can continue
to use the existing mailing list names as the new mailing list server is
brought up.

Once again, I apologize for the problem and hope that you continue to
invest your time and effort in this community project as I continue to
look for new ways to expand and improve the tools available to you. All
suggestions are appreciated and I will follow-up on all requests.

Finally, be sure to register for Xen Summit in Boston this summer - the
latest information is available at

Stephen Spector

Sr. Program Manager,

954.267.2853 <>