Mailing List Archive

[Vote] Results of formal vote for Mirage to be accepted as Incubation Project
Hi everybody,

sorry for the delay in posting the vote results for

The vote breakdown:
- 6 out of 7 Xen committers voted (including project leads)
- 5 were in favour
- 1 abstained due to the "choice of the ISC licence rather than a
copyleft licence such as LGPLv2+"

So overall the vote carries.

We also several other community members voting in support of the
proposal. We also discussed the proposal at the last Xen Maintainer,
Committer and Developer Meeting, which expressed support for the proposal.

What happens next?
I will work with the Mirage project lead on a detailed plan for the
Incubation phase.

Best Regards

Xen-arm mailing list
Re: [Vote] Results of formal vote for Mirage to be accepted as Incubation Project - Correction [ In reply to ]

I need to correct the results and apologize for a mistake I made : I
should have double checked the process before sending out the request
for voting. says*"Voting:* The community
manager arranges a timed private vote as outlined above (voting should
be open for a minimum of a week). Any maintainer of a mature project and
the community manager is allowed to vote. Voting follows the
conventions as laid out in 'Principle: Consensus Decision Making'."

This means that:
a) I miscommunicated who is elgible to vote : which are project leads,
committers and maintainers of mature projects, as well as the community
b) I tallied wrongly

I am summarizing the results again: the following people who fit the
criteria in a) can vote. Note that XCP does not have a defined list of
maintainers and committers, thus only the vote of the XCP's project lead
- Mike McClurg - counts. Eligible votes came from:

Ian Campbell
Mike McClurg
Jan Beulich
Lars Kurth
Tim Deegan
Ian Jackson

5 in favour, 1 abstained.

If no committer challenges by Friday, the vote will carry.


On 24/02/2013 03:10, Lars Kurth wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> sorry for the delay in posting the vote results for
> The vote breakdown:
> - 6 out of 7 Xen committers voted (including project leads)
> - 5 were in favour
> - 1 abstained due to the "choice of the ISC licence rather than a
> copyleft licence such as LGPLv2+"
> So overall the vote carries.
> We also several other community members voting in support of the
> proposal. We also discussed the proposal at the last Xen Maintainer,
> Committer and Developer Meeting, which expressed support for the
> proposal.
> What happens next?
> I will work with the Mirage project lead on a detailed plan for the
> Incubation phase.
> Best Regards
> Lars