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[Fwd: [Xen-devel] XenAPI extention with VIF stats]
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Already posted the following to the Xen-Devel list. Maybe this is more
appropriate for discussion. Currently I'm working on several Xen
extensions relating to the XenAPI (for monitoring) en the config scheme
to support more out of the box behavior.

I would like to have a way to run a command on the Dom0 machine, using
the API. Is there anyone already doing so?

Next to this I would like to implement iscsi:// as blockdevice, so a
Dom0 automatically does a login and logout upop create/migrate and

If possible I would like to put my patches somewhere, if this
mailinglist is *the* place, I'm happy to do so.

- -------- Originele bericht --------

Stefan de Konink schreef:
> Stefan de Konink schreef:
>> Now I get the read_io and write_io, I honestly was looking for the total
>> amount of bytes received/sent. Would it be accepted if this was
>> implemented in the VIF_metrics?
> It is interesting to respond to myself, but in Xen Unstable I have found
> the vif_stats implementation, so I'll give it a try.

Here is an extension to the XenAPI. It is probably useful in other
situations too, such as on the Physical Interface. This extension
implements total statistics on the virtual interface of a domain. Useful
when you want to fill RRD files per domain, from the XenAPI.

It is a patch against 3.1.2. Unstable looks the same. So I guess it
should work there too.

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