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Xen Developer Summit Schedule is available
Dear Community Member,

the schedule for the Xen Project Developer Summit is finally available
at: ... the event websites will
be updated shortly. Do register at
and book your hotel rooms as soon as you can! Xen Dev Summit is already
half sold out!

== Hotels ==
We added another room block at the Crowne Plaza and added other options
For example the Sheraton has still rooms at good pre-paid rates: the
info is also on the website.

== BoFs ==
We do still have a number of BoF slots available in the schedule. BoFs
are small discussion groups for specific topics. If you do want a BoF,
please send me an e-mail with a BoF title, a short description and your
name and a short bio. BoF organizers will get 3-5 minutes (depending on
the number of BoFs a day) in the BoF announcement slot after lunch to
pitch for their BoF - no slides are allowed for the pitch.

== Xen Project Developer Meeting ==
Also, if you want to attend the Developer Meeting before the summit, see ... I have talked to the
organizers of the KVM Forum last week, who are holding a Hackathon at
the same time as the Dev meeting takes place. We are trying to get both
events co-located (rooms next to each other), such that if QEMU related
topics are discussed at the Developer Meeting, you can walk over to the
Hackathon and pull the relevant people. I will confirm later, whether we
managed to co-locate rooms.

Hope to see you at the event

Best Regards

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