Mailing List Archive

TeX, version 8
Main changes:

== texvc accepts more TeX ==

== texvc_test for mass tests ==

Tested on corpus of TeX equations downloaded and perl-extracted
from PlanetMath, and it accepts 3553 of 6302.

Two things to consider about this numbers:
* These "equations" were extracted by very primitive regular
expression (/\$([^$]+)\$/), and many of them aren't really equations.
* lot of those that are use features predefined in prefaces
of particular articles.

It would really help if I could get real TeX sources of PlanetMath somehow.
Any idea ?

== HTML rendering engine is more powerful ==

It can render fractions now, like that one:

<math>\sum^{N+M}_{k=0} k^6 + \frac{\sum_{i=1}^M i}{\prod_{j=1}^N j}</math>

What is transformed into acceptably-looking but impossible to write by hand
code like that:

<table><tr align=center valign=bottom><td>N+M<td><td><table><tr align=center valign=bottom>
<td>M<td></tr><tr align=center><td><font size=+2>&sum;</font><td>i</tr><tr align=center valign=top>
<td>i=1<td></tr></table></tr><tr align=center><td><font size=+2>&sum;</font><td>k<sup>6</sup>+<td>
<hr style="{background: black}"></tr><tr align=center valign=top><td>k=0<td><td><table>
<tr align=center valign=bottom><td>N<td></tr><tr align=center><td><font size=+2>&prod;</font>
<td>j</tr><tr align=center valign=top><td>j=1<td></tr></table></tr></table>