Mailing List Archive

MySQL Configuration
Has anyone looked into making sure the MySQL server is configured
optimally? I'm not a MySQL expert, but I was reading over the MySQL
documentation and there are a number of parameters that can be adjusted
(like cache sizes).

There is also a MySQL command "SHOW STATUS" that might help to shed some
light on where the problems are. It reports things like number of cache
misses and number of times it had to wait for a table lock.

So, could someone with database access send me the results of running the
following two MySQL commands "SHOW STATUS" and "SHOW VARIABLES" (or post
the output to the list for everyone if they look interesting). I'll
examine them and report my findings.

Here is a link to what SHOW STATUS reports:

and some information on MySQL server optimizing:

As I said, I'm not an expert, but maybe there are some parameters that can
be tweaked (if they haven't been already) to improve performance in the
short term while a longer-term solution is worked on.

Re: MySQL Configuration [ In reply to ]
When I switched the config file, I forgot to add in the max_connections
setting. Apparently the default is a mere 100, and I didn't notice that
it didn't get set in my-large.cnf. I bumped it back to our previous
setting of 250.

-- brion vibber (brion @
Re: MySQL Configuration [ In reply to ]
Steve Rawlinson wrote:
> So, could someone with database access send me the results of running the
> following two MySQL commands "SHOW STATUS" and "SHOW VARIABLES" (or post
> the output to the list for everyone if they look interesting). I'll
> examine them and report my findings.

Aborted_clients 2182
Aborted_connects 136
Bytes_received 352728396
Bytes_sent 542290646
Com_admin_commands 0
Com_alter_table 0
Com_analyze 0
Com_backup_table 0
Com_begin 0
Com_change_db 1182929
Com_change_master 0
Com_check 0
Com_commit 0
Com_create_db 2
Com_create_function 0
Com_create_index 0
Com_create_table 0
Com_delete 49039
Com_drop_db 0
Com_drop_function 0
Com_drop_index 0
Com_drop_table 0
Com_flush 0
Com_grant 0
Com_insert 56839
Com_insert_select 577
Com_kill 0
Com_load 0
Com_load_master_table 0
Com_lock_tables 2
Com_optimize 0
Com_purge 0
Com_rename_table 0
Com_repair 0
Com_replace 0
Com_replace_select 0
Com_reset 0
Com_restore_table 0
Com_revoke 0
Com_rollback 1128135
Com_select 50875647
Com_set_option 2
Com_show_binlogs 0
Com_show_create 2
Com_show_databases 0
Com_show_fields 3
Com_show_grants 0
Com_show_keys 0
Com_show_logs 0
Com_show_master_status 0
Com_show_open_tables 0
Com_show_processlist 0
Com_show_slave_status 0
Com_show_status 1033074
Com_show_tables 0
Com_show_variables 4
Com_slave_start 0
Com_slave_stop 0
Com_truncate 0
Com_unlock_tables 0
Com_update 1538149
Connections 150023
Created_tmp_disk_tables 3227
Created_tmp_tables 159832
Created_tmp_files 4444
Delayed_insert_threads 0
Delayed_writes 0
Delayed_errors 0
Flush_commands 1
Handler_delete 521655
Handler_read_first 70887
Handler_read_key 121827385
Handler_read_next 472585953
Handler_read_prev 75011
Handler_read_rnd 27712353
Handler_read_rnd_next 283536234
Handler_update 22732289
Handler_write 128189283
Key_blocks_used 15582
Key_read_requests 2973620399
Key_reads 8490571
Key_write_requests 85209981
Key_writes 6021786
Max_used_connections 250
Not_flushed_key_blocks 0
Not_flushed_delayed_rows 0
Open_tables 64
Open_files 106
Open_streams 0
Opened_tables 544468
Questions 54979099
Select_full_join 1
Select_full_range_join 0
Select_range 38149
Select_range_check 0
Select_scan 33379
Slave_running OFF
Slave_open_temp_tables 0
Slow_launch_threads 23
Slow_queries 5197
Sort_merge_passes 6675
Sort_range 65131
Sort_rows 20281227
Sort_scan 13879
Table_locks_immediate 51901895
Table_locks_waited 622366
Threads_cached 0
Threads_created 150022
Threads_connected 90
Threads_running 1
Uptime 369589


back_log 50
basedir /usr/local/mysql/
binlog_cache_size 32768
character_set latin1
character_sets latin1 dec8 dos german1 hp8 koi8_ru latin2 swe7 usa7
cp1251 danish hebrew win1251 estonia hungarian koi8_ukr win1251ukr greek
win1250 croat cp1257 latin5
concurrent_insert ON
connect_timeout 5
datadir /usr/local/mysql/var/
delay_key_write ON
delayed_insert_limit 100
delayed_insert_timeout 300
delayed_queue_size 1000
flush OFF
flush_time 0
have_bdb NO
have_gemini NO
have_innodb NO
have_isam YES
have_raid NO
have_openssl NO
interactive_timeout 28800
join_buffer_size 131072
key_buffer_size 16773120
language /usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/english/
large_files_support ON
locked_in_memory OFF
log OFF
log_update OFF
log_bin OFF
log_slave_updates OFF
log_long_queries OFF
long_query_time 10
low_priority_updates OFF
lower_case_table_names 0
max_allowed_packet 1047552
max_binlog_cache_size 4294967295
max_binlog_size 1073741824
max_connections 250
max_connect_errors 10
max_delayed_threads 20
max_heap_table_size 16777216
max_join_size 4294967295
max_sort_length 1024
max_user_connections 0
max_tmp_tables 32
max_write_lock_count 4294967295
myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size 256
myisam_max_sort_file_size 2047
myisam_recover_options 0
myisam_sort_buffer_size 8388608
net_buffer_length 7168
net_read_timeout 30
net_retry_count 10
net_write_timeout 60
open_files_limit 0
pid_file /usr/local/mysql/var/
port 3306
protocol_version 10
record_buffer 131072
record_rnd_buffer 131072
query_buffer_size 0
safe_show_database OFF
server_id 1
slave_net_timeout 3600
skip_locking ON
skip_networking OFF
skip_show_database OFF
slow_launch_time 2
socket /tmp/mysql.sock
sort_buffer 524280
sql_mode 0
table_cache 64
table_type MYISAM
thread_cache_size 0
thread_stack 65536
transaction_isolation READ-COMMITTED
timezone UTC
tmp_table_size 33554432
tmpdir /tmp/
version 3.23.51
wait_timeout 28800

-- brion vibber (brion @
Re: MySQL Configuration [ In reply to ]
Here are the results of my analysis of the MySQL server configuration.
Keep in mind that I am not a database or MySQL expert while you are
reading this. All the values reported are from SHOW STATUS and SHOW
VARIABLES commands run by Brion earlier today. They reflect data
collected from the past 4.3 days.

First some, general statistics of interest:

There were 5197 "Slow_queries" meaning that they took longer than 10
seconds (real time, not CPU) to process. There were 54,979,099 queries
during this period, so only 0.009% took longer than 10 seconds.

Table_locks_immediate 51901895
Table_locks_waited 622366

Showing that 1.2% of all table locks were blocked by another lock.

The current server configuration looks to be using the defaults for a
medium size server as provided with MySQL distribution in the file
"my-medium.cnf". My overall recommendation is to change to the
"my-large.cnf" defaults if there are sufficient resource. It is "for
large systems with 512M RAM where the system mainly runs MySQL."
Assuming the server is only running Wikipedia and has the reported 2 Gig
of RAM, this shouldn't be a problem.

I have found two serious problems with the current setup that might
explain the poor performance. If switching to the my-large.cnf defaults
is not possible, then I suggest trying at least these two changes and
seeing if performance improves.

The following list is straight out of the MySQL documentation. I will
show the relevant variables from SHOW STATUS and SHOW VARIABLES, describe
their meaning and comment:

* If Opened_tables is big, then your table_cache variable is probably
too small.

table_cache 64
Open_tables 64
Opened_tables 544468

This is the first serious problem. "The table_cache is the number of open
tables for all threads. MySQL, being multi-threaded, may be running many
queries on the table at one time, and each of these will open a table."
Therefore, even though we only have a few tables, we will need many more

The Opened_tables (note the "ed") value is high and shows the number of
cache misses. Everything I have read about configuring the MySQL server
suggests that getting the table_cache size correct is one of the two best
things you can do to improve performance.

I suggest the table_cache be increased to 256, the default value from

See the following for more information on the table_cache
(this is also a really good article on optimizing MySQL's configuration in

* If Key_reads is big, then your key_buffer_size variable is probably
too small. The cache hit rate can be calculated with

key_buffer_size 16M
Key_read_requests 2973620399
Key_reads 8490571
(cache hit rate = 0.0028)

"The key_buffer_size affects the size of the index buffers and the speed
of index handling, particularly reading." We seem to be doing pretty well
here. The MySQL manual (and other sources) say that
"Key_reads/Key_read_request ratio should normally be < 0.01." This is the
other most important thing to get correct.

* If Handler_read_rnd is big, then you probably have a lot of queries
that require MySQL to scan whole tables or you have joins that don't use
keys properly.

Handler_read_rnd 27712353
Handler_read_rnd_next 283536234

These values are high, which says that we could probably stand to improve
our indexes and queries. Improving this would require a lot of work so it
should be one of the last things considered (or part of a longer term

* If Threads_created is big, you may want to increase the
thread_cache_size variable. The cache hit rate can be calculated with

thread_cache_size 0
Threads_created 150022
Connections 150023

We aren't performing any thread caching. This is the second problem that
I think should be fixed. A cache size of zero is the default for
my-medium.cnf but the recommended size in my-large.cnf is 8.

A related problem I noticed was that it looks like we're reaching the
maximum number of connections. I couldn't find any discussion about this
or if it was even a bad thing, but it may be worth noting.

max_connections 250
Max_used_connections 250

* If Created_tmp_disk_tables is big, you may want to increase the
tmp_table_size variable to get the temporary tables memory-based instead
of disk based.

tmp_table_size 32M
Created_tmp_disk_tables 3227
Created_tmp_tables 159832
Created_tmp_files 4444

Created_tmp_disk_tables are the "number of implicit temporary tables on
disk created while executing statements" and Created_tmp_tables are
memory-based. Obviously it is bad if you have to go to disk instead of
memory. About 2% of temp tables go to disk, which doesn't seem too bad
but increasing the tmp_table_size probably couldn't hurt either.

From all of this analysis, I think the best thing we could do would be to
try using the my-large.cnf defaults if possible. Minimally, we should try
increasing the table_cache and turning on thread caching to see if that

For further analysis, it might be useful to collect statistics for only a
period of poor performance. That might highlight some of the problems

Hopefully this was helpful, my apologies for it being so lengthy.

Best Regards,
Steve Rawlinson
Re: MySQL Configuration [ In reply to ]
Steve Rawlinson wrote:
> The current server configuration looks to be using the defaults for a
> medium size server as provided with MySQL distribution in the file
> "my-medium.cnf". My overall recommendation is to change to the
> "my-large.cnf" defaults if there are sufficient resource. It is "for
> large systems with 512M RAM where the system mainly runs MySQL."
> Assuming the server is only running Wikipedia and has the reported 2 Gig
> of RAM, this shouldn't be a problem.

Sounds reasonable, I'll switch the config file tonight.

-- brion vibber (brion @
RE: MySQL Configuration [ In reply to ]
Thanks for the tweak.

Ed Poor

-----Original Message-----
From: Brion VIBBER []
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] MySQL Configuration

When I switched the config file, I forgot to add in the max_connections
setting. Apparently the default is a mere 100, and I didn't notice that
it didn't get set in my-large.cnf. I bumped it back to our previous
setting of 250.

-- brion vibber (brion @
Re: MySQL Configuration [ In reply to ]
On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Brion VIBBER wrote:
> When I switched the config file, I forgot to add in the max_connections
> setting. Apparently the default is a mere 100, and I didn't notice that
> it didn't get set in my-large.cnf. I bumped it back to our previous
> setting of 250.

Sorry, I missed that custom max_connections setting as well.

Any reports on performance yet? I'm eager to see if the new settings have
made any difference (for better or worse). Maybe it's still too early to
tell, but if anyone has anything to report over the next few days I'd
appreciate hearing about it.

Steve Rawlinson