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Wikimania 2007
Hi guys,

Sorry for not writing earlier. I came home about 24 hours ago, to find a
situation infinitely less organized that Wikimania, to which I had to
give a bit of attention.
I just sent a short word to the Foundation-l, because after what wrote
Andrew, there was not much more I felt like commenting over there.
Perhaps does it make more sense to get into details here :-)

First, and beside anything, I think it was a great Wikimania. I mean it.
We all know about the controversy last year after the decision over
Taiwan, and to be fair, I was worried that things could turn wrong, not
only because the event would fail, but also because I could hear the
complaints afterwards. But really, it was a great event and I really
enjoyed it. Perhaps the one thing which amazed me the most was the
quality of the organization, even though we could see Theodonarian and
others go around quietly or peacefully (or at least, not showing their
anxiety :-)).

The location was a great choice. This is exactly what we should aim for
in the future. In a similar way to the Frankfurt location, it was the
right level of confort, the right size, the right number of rooms etc...
We all agree that last year was too disseminated. This year was simply
perfect. One of my fear for the future will be to be lead to choose big
hotels or convention centers, and lose this proximity which did wonders.

The open space was the best of the three years by far. Putting
everything at the same place was simply fabulous. Adding couches, food,
coffee, olpc stuff, registration, reimbursement, posters, staff room,
podcast... was just so cool. I also loved the big hanging schedule. I
only heard complains from lighting talks people, who would have been
best in the next room probably, because of the noise and space
available. But great job.

Accomodation was imho, just the right level of confort. I know there was
some odd moments in the first few days, but it was fixed and everyone
looked happy. It was clean, confortable, with wifi, common place to
crash, convenience shop etc... Just no comment.
One of the challenges of the coming years will be to find a place where
it is both not to expensive, and a place where we can host invited
speakers and visitors, so that everyone hang together.

Program was very interesting to me. I hope it was as well with most as
well. I suggest that in the future, we aim at something similar, with an
additional focus on workshop and panels, as opposed to regular
presentations. Hacking days are still not working, and many suggested we
could merge them with the main conference. We also need more room for
"private" meetings (chapters, staff, specific topics) in the whole
agenda. But I nevertheless think we did well this year.

Food was very cool, warm, always available. Just as drinks. It seems
easy, but I do not think it is so easy !

A couple of things I was impressed in

1) The Wikimania bag, with all the presents in. Very neat puzzle ball. I
also think the specialized Wikimania map was a fabulous idea. I have no
idea who had that idea, but it was a great idea
2) The constant presence of people available to help. I guess we all
felt very cared for. I did not see the Wikimania welcome team at the
airport (I was there too early), but many commented on this and loved
it. As for me, I remember that a few times, I was coughing as if I was
going to die, and I was amazed to find next to me someone with a tea. I
am not sure we will be able to do that again elsewhere (have this whole
group of volunteers to help), but it sure felt like heaven.
3) the big schedule. It was actually helpful. It creates a meeting
point. I think there is something to expand here, like a schedule
projected on the wall next year (so constantly updated). Or one with
movable elements, and a big ladder to go at the top and switch sessions.
[[edit your conference]] type.
4) the movie from the crew which travelled all over the world with
Jimbo. Was a lot of fun.
5) the wifi was working everywhere

One think I did not like
1) air conditionning is tooooooo low.

I think we need to work further on social events. In Frankfurt, people
loved dancing at the Wikimania party. We should have this in all
wikimania parties. After the movie :-) We need two rooms. One to chat
and one to dance.

I would like to extend a thank you to specific groups.

Not much mentionned, but I did not hear many complaints and it seems it
worked well :-)

I am not really sure who really took care of all this, but all the
decoration/signs etc... was very efficient. People knew where to go, the
big Wikipedia ball was a lot of fun. There were updated sheets in front
of each door. Hanging signs outside were great. Big sponsors panels as
well. Tags as well. All these things are the kind of things you only
really notice when they are messed.

Scholarships reimbursement
I was introduced to the team. Nobody came to complain to me :-) So, I
presume all worked well ! congrats !

Installation and clean-up
I saw most of the installation during the board retreat. All seems to go
smoothly. As for clean-up, I just did not see it. I am sure many people
worked on that, and still, it was invisible. Amazing.

I suspect we are not fully done with the administration, but according
to what I saw, it seemed very efficient.

I am glad I met Frances. She handled all the interviews with great
mastery. There were individual rooms to do that, a daily updated
schedule, management of the requests, handling the modification, press
conference to organize. All of this was beautifully done.

Overall, the words that come to my mouth are efficiency and kindness.
The organization team offered us a great Wikimania. Thank you to all !

(every year, it becomes a more difficult challenge for the next one...)

Wikimania 2007 [ In reply to ]
Florence Devouard wrote:

>One think I did not like
>1) air conditionning is tooooooo low.
It's hard to satisfy everybody on that sort of thing. I;ve been at
meetings before where half the room complains that it's too hot, and the
other half complains that it's too cold.

>I think we need to work further on social events. In Frankfurt, people
>loved dancing at the Wikimania party. We should have this in all
>wikimania parties. After the movie :-) We need two rooms. One to chat
>and one to dance.
Yes. In Frankfurt I was one of he group who went downstairs which was
not really a part of the venue. The one thing we can be sure of is tha
Wikipedians love to talk about Wikipedia, often very late into the
night! :-) As a non-dancer this is one point where the site in Boston
worked out better, though I regret not taking the time to look through
some of the very interesting exhibits. As for the movie, one or two
would have been enough; the videos could be made available in a separate
room during the conference for those who are interested without needing
to feel that they are a part of a captive audience.

>I would like to extend a thank you to specific groups.
>Not much mentionned, but I did not hear many complaints and it seems it
>worked well :-)
A word should be put in for the facility staff, especially those at the
main desk who frequently had to fill in little slips of paper for us to
give to the taxi drivers. At one point when it was raining, and I was
standing outside the main entrance to the "lodgement building" one of
them brough me an umbrella so that I could go to the residence
building. The little things that go beyond a person's job description
are really appreciated.

>Installation and clean-up
>I saw most of the installation during the board retreat. All seems to go
>smoothly. As for clean-up, I just did not see it. I am sure many people
>worked on that, and still, it was invisible. Amazing.
The staff there seems to have a lot of experience with the transition
between conferences, and with juggling things when unrelated groups are
using the complex at the same time. I did wonder what happened to the
yellow vertical banners; had it been possible I'm sure some people would
have been happy to bring one home as a souvenir.

>Overall, the words that come to my mouth are efficiency and kindness.
>The organization team offered us a great Wikimania. Thank you to all !
Add to this the provision of a generator to avoid overloading the
building's electrical system by our highly wired crowd, and providing a
quality coffee maker for the breakfast room. It was not part of the
regular furnishings of the breakfast room.

>(every year, it becomes a more difficult challenge for the next one...)
Each will have its own character. Each year's organizers need to run
with a plan that is uniquely their own. The spontaneous appreciation
that has been expressed for the Taipei Wikimania was not there for
either of the other two. It's also important that this not be set as
the kind of impossible standard which future organizers must meet. That
would be putting an undue burden on them. For most of us the important
thing was meeting with other like-minded people. In Frankfurt it was
putting faces to the people we met on-line; beginning with Boston it
became an opportunity to meet old friends.
