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modify the "navigation menu" -- where < sandbox> came from

------My version:

MediaWiki ( 1.3.5
PHP ( 4.3.9 (apache)
MySQL ( 4.0.21-log

------What I try to do:

I tried to modify the "navigation menu" on the left side. Eg. add "Sandbox" to that menu.

For wiki/includes/SkinPHPTal.php, Line 468, add the following

468 $nav_urls['sandbox'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeI18nUrl('sandbox')));

For /wiki/templates/

70 <li id="n-sandbox" ><a href="${nav_urls/sandbox/href}"
71 i18n:translate="string:sandbox">Sandbox</a></li>

------What's the current problem:

I got the <sandbox> instead of Sandbox showing up in the menu. Checked the source code,
not able to figure out where &lt;sandbox&gt; came from.

Is this related to its namespace? Haven't study the namespace yet. How I may fix it from
source code or mysql?

Thanks for help,
Re: modify the "navigation menu" -- where &lt; sandbox&gt; came from [ In reply to ]
On Oct 20, 2004, at 3:46 PM, Charlie wrote:
> I got the <sandbox> instead of Sandbox showing up in the menu. Checked
> the source code,
> not able to figure out where &lt;sandbox&gt; came from.
> Is this related to its namespace? Haven't study the namespace yet. How
> I may fix it from
> source code or mysql?

There is no UI message 'sandbox'. Edit [[MediaWiki:Sandbox]] and put
something in it, this should do it.

-- brion vibber (brion @