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EN Wikizine - Year: 2009 Week: 28 Number: 111
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Year: 2009 Week: 28 Number: 111


An independent internal news bulletin
for the members of the Wikimedia community


=== Proposals ===

[Logo Wiktionary] - End of 2006 a winner of a new logo selection
process was declared for Wiktionary. Some Wiktionary accepted and
used the new logo, others did not. (like the English Wiktionary). In
any case once more a new logo selection process is in motion on Meta
for Wiktionary. -- "we have a winner (2006)" -- new logo
Wiktionary 2009

=== Foundation ===

[Board elections] - the Wikimedia Foundation Board is holding its
community elections again, this time for 3 board seats (the next
regular election will be in two years). Candidates are being accepted
until July 20. Help is needed with translating many pages for the
election. (including the CentralNotice displayed all over Wikimedia's
sites)! --
candidates -- translation

[Annual Plan] - the Foundation has published its 2009-2010 Annual Plan
and a set of Questions & Answers to go along with it. -- annual plan
(pdf) --

[wm2009: Registration] - registration for Wikimania 2009 in Buenos
Aires is now open! If you register before July 30, it's US$15
cheaper. (= US$45)

[Orange] - In April the Wikimedia Foundation announced a partnership
with the telecommunications company "Orange". The Spanish Wikipedia is
now being showcased on the Spanish Orange site. -- original press

[New chapters] - the Board recently approved three new Wikimedia
chapters: Wikimedia Danmark (Denmark), Wikimedia Portugal, and
Wikimedia Ukraine. This brings the total number of chapters to 24.

=== Agenda ===

[fossevents] - a new site (run by the same people who run IRC network
Wikimedia uses, Freenode) just opened up that showcases FOSS (Free and
Open Source Software) Events around the world, big and small. Be sure
to add your upcoming Wikimedia events and look for others that
interest you!

=== Community ===

[New Wikipedia] - The founding of "Wikipedia", the large Western
language Wikipedias, may seem to lay in the distant past, new
Wikipedia's are still founded. The Mari Wikipedia is the newest family

[GLAM] - in the lead up to GLAM-WIKI (August 6-7), Wikimedia Australia
is holding an editors' challenge (like a friendly competition) with
the overall theme of "Australian GLAM" (GLAM stands for "Galleries,
Libraries, Archives & Museums"). The idea is to pick your own editing
theme and submit it, along with the edits you make related to it.
Prizes will be awarded for the most extensive, creative, impressive,
novel, broad, deep, etc. edits. --
GLAM challenge -- GLAM wiki

[WMDE: ED/Vision] - we previously noted that Wikimedia Deutschland was
looking for a new Executive Director; they've finally found one after
a year! The new director is Pavel Richter (w:de:User:Schreibvieh) and
he was the unanimous choice of both the search committee and the
board. Sebastian, chair of WMDE's board and the current director, also
published a blog post describing the newly defined vision for
Wikimedia's first and largest chapter. -- blog
announcing ED (German) --
blog discussing vision (German)

[ENWP: 3 million?] - What will the 3 millionth article on the English
Wikipedia be? A few community members are making guesses on what
article that will be, be sure to add your guess too!

[India: Meetup] - everyone seems to be linking to a report on the
third Bangalore, India meetup. The meetup seems like it was pretty
successful and the agenda included a large number of topics, these are
discussed in the meetup report.

[Wikinews] - the English Wikinews is doing good. It has an active
community, does exclusive interviews, is indexed by Google News and
now the have almost 15000 news story's written. But not all Wikinews
editions are so. On Meta is there now a proposal to close down the
dutch language Wikinews due to a structural lack of activity.

=== Media ===

[WP: Accurate enough] - everyone always has something to say about us,
at least this time it's a favorable article from the Kansas City

[Wiki Goes to War] - the U.S. Army is creating MediaWiki-based sites
for seven of their 550 manuals. There will be a 90 day experiment,
where troops can edit manuals, and leave comments.

[Egocentric introverts] - a study by Israeli psychology researchers
say that their study shows Wikipedians are egocentric, disagreeable,
socially awkward and closed to new ideas. Australian Wikipedia have
"hit out" at this report.

[Sued Over Wikipedia] - a county commissioner and political consultant
have filed a defamation lawsuit in Ingham County Circuit Court against
three men for allegedly editing false and defamatory information into
a biographical entry on Wikipedia.

=== Stats ===

[MJ] - another analysis of the Michael Jackson+Wikipedia problems was
made by Erik Zachte, Wikimedia's statistics analyst, with graphs and
comparisons between different Wikipedia language versions.

[Commons Uploads] - Ilmari Karonen has been collecting image
statistics for a while now (how many bytes we have per file type) and
now he has graphs illustrating the changes too. -- raw stats --

[Going for he 8th place] - the Spanish and Portugees Wikipedia are
very, very close in the number of articles and are so competing for
the honour of being the 8th largest Wikipedia.. -- 491 671 artigos -- 491.663 artículos

=== Other news ===

[Image Search] - this should make searching for images to upload to
Commons a lot easier: Google adds Creative Commons Selection to
Advanced Options.

[Serious reading] - a doctoral thesis, by Jos ? Felipe Ortega Soto,
that analize quantitatively the evolution of the top ten Wikipedias.
An their problems (in English, 228 pages). -- pdf download

=== Did you know ... ===

... what a "sock puppet" is?

No??? - Strange, are you sure that you are a Wikimedian? - In any
case, you can look it up now. No, not (only) in "the dictionary the
anyone can edit", but also in the more traditional "Merriam Webster's
2009 dictionary of English". It says it is "a word to describe a false
account used for deceptive purposes".

=== Quote ===

There is a world market for maybe five computers ? Thomas Watson, IBM, 1943

Editor(s): Casey, Walter
Corrector(s): Alex
Thanks to: Veronique, Sebastian, Kul, DarkoNeko, Ziko, Mathias, David,
Gnangarra, the Wikipedia Signpost (Erik Zachte), Steve Bennett, Brion,
Peter, Cary, Crazy Lover
Contact: reply or
////////////////////////////////////////// makes no guarantee of accuracy,
validity and especially but not limited to,
correct grammar and spelling. Satisfaction is not guaranteed. is published by [[meta:user:Walter]].
Wikizine is a irregular publication as long as there is noteworthy
news (and time)
Content is available under the GNU Free Documentation License
and also the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic License

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