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Re: [Textbook-l] Wikibooks community-building meeting
Hi Mike,

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:57 PM, Mike.lifeguard
<> wrote:

> just organize a time to get people together in #wikibooks on
> We'd set up a roster of topics to cover and
> just fire around ideas for a while.

That's a fine idea. It might also be helpful to have a regular time
(once a month?) for people who are interested but can't come the first

> If you're interested, please reply with any comments, but in
> particular include:
> * Whether you'd prefer to have the meeting via Skype or in IRC
> * What timezone & availability you have (I'm thinking next
> Friday or Saturday, probably)

IRC and saturday are great.

> * Any further ideas you have for community-building in
> Wikibooks

Book-read/writing clubs!

Consider/write about horizontal links with related communities :
- should groups building other formats of collaborative/editable
books think about populating equivalent namespaces on wikibooks?

Consider/write about tools for people making derivatives of existing books :
- if Wikisource grows as well, say to include the text of
historical/older books that are ready for modern revisions, would
updated editions, or derivatives made for new audiences, be
appropriate on wikibooks? how would you name a series of such books?

> To get us started, Whiteknight and I were discussing reaching out
> to universities and other charities for book donations on
> specific topics (such as a book on cancer from an organization
> which deals with breast cancer) as well as recruiting editors

What's the division of scope between wikisource and wikibooks for such works?


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