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I am not a true sysadmin but I would like to run Varnish with a open source
CMS hosting sites in a virtual hosting environment (apache/mysql).

If your customer are using Urchin to track visitors will it be able to work
correctly if some of the pages are cached with Varnish?

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Urchin [ In reply to ]
In message <b2990fb00701030908h7fd26381o84dbd9c276364c34 at>, "Nagi
ta Karunaratne" writes:

>I am not a true sysadmin but I would like to run Varnish with a open source
>CMS hosting sites in a virtual hosting environment (apache/mysql).
>If your customer are using Urchin to track visitors will it be able to work
>correctly if some of the pages are cached with Varnish?

Good question.

I'm not aware of how Urchin works so I can't really give you an answer.

Poul-Henning Kamp | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
Urchin [ In reply to ]
Hello Nagita,
I think there is no reasons why urchin wouldn't work.
any hit to a cached or not page would result in a hit to urchin.
Nagita Karunaratne writes:
> Hello,
> I am not a true sysadmin but I would like to run Varnish with a open source
> CMS hosting sites in a virtual hosting environment (apache/mysql).
> If your customer are using Urchin to track visitors will it be able to work
> correctly if some of the pages are cached with Varnish?
> Thanks
> Hello,<br><br>I am not a true sysadmin but I would like to run Varnish with a open source CMS hosting sites in a virtual hosting environment (apache/mysql).<br><br>If your customer are using Urchin to track visitors will it be able to work correctly if some of the pages are cached with Varnish?
> <br><br>Thanks<br>
> _______________________________________________
> varnish-misc mailing list
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Urchin [ In reply to ]
"Poul-Henning Kamp" <phk at> writes:

> In message <b2990fb00701030908h7fd26381o84dbd9c276364c34 at>, "Nagi
> ta Karunaratne" writes:
>>If your customer are using Urchin to track visitors will it be able to work
>>correctly if some of the pages are cached with Varnish?
> Good question.
> I'm not aware of how Urchin works so I can't really give you an answer.

Urchin (aka Google Analytics) is pure client side and works by requesting some
javascript from their servers from the web pages.

Christian Laursen
Urchin [ In reply to ]
On 1/4/07, Christian Laursen <xi at> wrote:
> Urchin (aka Google Analytics) is pure client side and works by requesting
> some
> javascript from their servers from the web pages.

Actually I was referring to Urchin 5 not the Google version.
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