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Patches for 1.1.1 in distribution packages
I just recently requested varnish-1.1.1-3 to be included in
fedora-7-updates-testing, that is, the final stage before inclusion in
f7. It has already been included in the fedora testing (pre f8) branch.
My fedora spesific release -3 is like the upstream vanilla release
varnish-1.1.1, but with cs1913 from svn patched in, as it is in the
FreeBSD port. Are there other patches (stability or bugfix) patches that
should be included in distribution updates?

Patches for 1.1.1 in distribution packages [ In reply to ]
Ingvar Hagelund <ingvar at> writes:
> I just recently requested varnish-1.1.1-3 to be included in
> fedora-7-updates-testing, that is, the final stage before inclusion
> in f7. It has already been included in the fedora testing (pre f8)
> branch. My fedora spesific release -3 is like the upstream vanilla
> release varnish-1.1.1, but with cs1913 from svn patched in, as it is
> in the FreeBSD port. Are there other patches (stability or bugfix)
> patches that should be included in distribution updates?

Nothing that has passed QA yet, because I haven't had time. I'll look
into it while I'm in Denmark next week.

Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav
Senior Software Developer
Linpro AS -