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Varnish 3.0.4 released
It is my pleasure to announce the fourth maintenance release in the 3.0
series of Varnish Cache. It includes a fix for a security related bug
and everybody is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.

Some of the most important changes include:

* The ACL code had a bug which could lead to false negatives. This has
been assigned CVE-2013-4090.

* Varnish will now return an error if the client sends multiple Host

* If the backend sent invalid gzip while using ESI, Varnish would in some
cases assert. It now works correctly.

* TCP_NODELAY is now enabled, which should lead to performance
improvements in some cases.

A fuller list of changes is available in the changes document, available

Installation instructions and sources are available from

Tollef Fog Heen, on behalf of the Varnish team

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